Bharti Airtel is currently attacking Globacom, Dangote (Alheri Engineering) and seven others for 9mobile, formerly the local unit of Etisalat , as bankers push to complete a sale by December 31. The Custodian assembled that Abraaj Capital, Africa Capital Alliance, Carlyle Group, Centricus Capital and Africell , Helios Towers, Smile Telecoms Holdings and Teleology Holdings are the companies seriously bidding to takeover 9Mobile by year-end, the bidding process is being handled by Barclays Africa. 9mobile is being sold after regulators saved the company from collapse when both an investment fund and Etisalat left the country in June following the default of a $1.2 billion loan. Market Experts expected that the battle for the humanity of 9Mobile rest confidently between Globacom and Airtel because of their financial war chest and experiences in the Nigerian market should either be successful in the proposal; the additional connections may see them overtake MTN as ma...